Kamis, 30 November 2017

Video Submission 2

8 Benefits of Betel Leaf Stew when Taken

Indonesia :
Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa Daun Sirih merupakan salah satu obat dari alam yang dapat mengobati berbagai Penyakit. Dan pada kali ini saya ingin memaparkan 8 Manfaat Rebusan Daun Sirih Bila Diminum.  Penasaran? Langsung saja check this out. 

English :
As we know that Leaf Betel is one of the drugs from nature that can treat various diseases. And at this time I want to explain 8 Benefits of Betel Leaf Stew when Taken. Curious? Just check this out.

Rabu, 29 November 2017

Travel without Fee

Travel without Fee

Hello hello hai? Back again on this blog kece. How are you today? Hopefully healthy always yes. Have you been on vacation? If not, I invite you to vacation. If so, anywhere? Is it out of town or abroad? and What favorite places do you enjoy? Certainly a lot of right?

Speaking of favorite places, this time I will share stories about experiences I have ever experienced when I still attended vocational school. It was my first time to go out of town. Yes certainly happy. What else for a village boy like me. My destination at that time was Palembang, South Sumatra. I am there, of course, not for vacation. But to participate in a drama game at the National Level Festival of National Student Art Competition or more familiarly known as FLS2N to represent West Kalimantan Province.

Maybe For some people my experience is just ordinary. But for me this is a very amazing experience. Because I can go there purely from the results of my achievements and the team at that time. Although previously had many dreams and goals that accomplished because of my achievements in the field of art. But for this one is my highest achievement and achievement.

Lots of new things that I get when in Palembang. The main thing is I can know the situation and can feel the situation right away also visit the tourist attractions along with knowing the stories that exist in the city. And also no less memorable is I can make friends with those who come from various cities in Indonesia. As well as sharing stories about customs and customs that exist in their city. But unfortunately it only lasts for one week only. Because we had to go back to their respective cities. So also with me and the team must return to West Kalimantan Province to continue all our routine activities.

Well, I think that's enough of the story about the most memorable travel experience I have had. Hope you can also feel what I feel. That is a trip without personal expense. Of course not only stand by but with effort and develop the potential that we have. May be useful. Thank you very much for the time you gave to read this paper. And hopefully not a deterrent to always visit this blog. See you in the next post. Daaaaaaaahhhhhh....

Kamis, 09 November 2017

My Best Friend Is My Family

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

In this post I will tell about my best friend, whom I know from the beginning of elementary school until now.

They are Wan Dendy Razaby and Ardian Hidayat, all started from grade 1 of our elementary school in one school or even one class. At first we were just friends just like any other friends. But it all changed when we stepped on the 5th grade of elementary school, we got closer, often joined the activities and played together. All that we did during elementary school to primary school.

I think all will end up in elementary school. It turns out that even at the First in Junior High School we still meet at the same school. And we are still in the same class. At that time was born 3D'BFr which means Didit, Dendy, Dayat. During the first year of junior high school we often work together and follow the same extracurricular drum band. When we feel bored during the rehearsals, we often collaborate and do weird actions that make our friends and even our coaches laugh until all the cool back as before and more excited to do the exercises.

Because following the drum band activity we finally thought to increase the pocket money by running my father's tanjidor business. We always use every spare time to practice tanjidor and we consider it as our accompaniment to entertain ourselves.

finally without the three years we felt through the junior high school in the same class. After that we began to agree to both proceed to the same high school level. And our friendship gets tighter even our days go by together like eating, sleeping and doing activities together Until you finish high school. And we were forced to decide to split up because our demands were different as I had to go to university. While Dayat opened the shop and Dendy helped her mother sell cakes. Even so until now we still often connect via What's Up media and phone.

That's the story of my successful friendship who was 12 years old. Do not forget to keep up with other stories on this blog. Thanks. Daaaaaaahhh ...